

Firefox 3.5 "Web upgrade", planned for end of June

June 16, 2009 10:51 AM PDT
Mozilla plans to issue a release candidate for Firefox 3.5 on Friday and the final version by the end of June.

モジラ、「Firefox 3.5」のRC版と正式版の公開予定を発表
引用:CNET Japan 文:Stephen Shankland(CNET News): source post issued
2009/06/17 12:27 

Mozillaは、「Firefox 3.5」のリリース候補(RC)版を6月19日に公開し、2009年6月末までに正式版を公開することを明らかにした。
Mozillaは2009年6月第2週、Firefox 3.5のベータ4とRC1の間に位置するアップデートを行った。Beltzner氏によれば、正式なRC1では主に、いくつかの異常な JavaScriptの状況を適切に処理するためのわずかな変更を加えるだけになるという。また、Firefoxの大規模なベータテスティングネットワー クにより(80万人がベータ版を使用している)、MozillaはRC1が唯一のRC版になると予想している。

Welcome to the Firefox 3.5 Preview…
Thank you for helping test this preview of Firefox 3.5!

As a member of our beta user audience, you have received this update to help us test this preview before it becomes the Firefox 3.5 release candidate. You will be updated to the release candidate automatically when it is released.
Meanwhile, We want to hear all of your thoughts about this preview, especially if you encounter broken sites or other web weirdness. Drag this feedback button onto your bookmarks toolbar and click on it when you have something to tell us. We'll be waiting to hear from you! (Or, if you'd prefer, you can file a bug.)
FireFox 3.5 RC1 は Windows, Mac, および Linux 版がここからダウンロードできる。
OpenSolaris 版はまだない。正式版のリリースを待ってインストールしてみるか・・・

If you've been using the Firefox 3.5 beta, you now get to upgrade to the release candidate for Firefox 3.5. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, The noticeable changes to the release candidate from beta 4 and the b99 pre-release version are not readily apparent. Generally, you can expect the release candidate to be more stable than its beta predecessors, although if you're using an add-on such as Nightly Tester Tools or MR Tech to force incompatible add-ons to work in the beta you may be compromising your stability somewhat.

Fig-01: Firefox 3.5 Peview release added JLP-xpi on OpenSolaris 2009.06

Fig-02: About Firefox 3.5 Preview release on OpenSolaris 2009.06