

RealPlayer 11 Gold with OpenSolaris 2009.06 on My Notebook computer

RealPlayer 11 Gold for SunOS/x86 を OpenSolaris 2009.06 にインストールした。
Helix community にアクセスすると、Helix Player 11 Gold または RealPlayer 11 Gold をダウンロードすることができる。対応プラットフォームは、Linux/x86, SunOS/SPARC, /x86 である。

# RealPlayer 11 Gold for SunOS/x86:
  Minimum System Requirements
  * 500MHz Intel Pentium III processor or equivalent
  * 256MB of RAM
  * 30MB available disk space
  * 28.8Kbps modem
  * Sound card supported by SunAudio or OSS drivers
  * 65,000-color video display card set to display at 800x600 (video)
  Recommended System Requirements
  * 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium IV processor or equivalent
  * 512MB of RAM
  * 30MB available disk space
  * High speed internet connection
  * Sound card supported by OSS/SunAudio drivers
  * 16 bit color video display card set to display a resolution of 1024x768
  My Notebook computer: Dell Latitude D410
  * Intel Pentium M 1.6GHz, Intel 915GM, SODIMM 2048MB(533MHz), HDD 40GB/160GB
  * LCD resolution : 1024x768 (24 bit)
# Upgraded OpenSolaris based on snv_111a to snv_111b.
  $ uname -a
  SunOS xxxxxx 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
  $ more /etc/release
               OpenSolaris 2009.06 snv_111b X86
           Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
                        Use is subject to license terms.
                              Assembled 07 May 2009

Fig-01: Helix community - Get Helix Player

Fig-02: Player Downloads

Get RealPlayer 11 Gold/SunOS/x86 installer: here
Download the tarball "RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2" to your saving directory.

Fig-03: Download the tarball

Extract the tarball.
$ cd /opt
$ pfexec cp [your saving directory]/RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2 .
$ pfexec tar xvfj RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2
$ ls -F
$ RealPlayer11Gold-x86/ RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2
$ pfexec rm -f RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2  
$ pfexec mv RealPlayer11Gold-x86 RealPlayer11  # if nessesary.
$ ls -F RealPlayer11
Bin/      README   common/  mozilla/  postinst/  realplay.bin*
LICENSE*  codecs/  doc/     plugins/  realplay*  share/

Make the Simbolic link the executable file "realplay*" to the directory "/usr/bin/"
$ pfexec ln -s /opt/RealPlayer11/realplay /usr/bin/realplay

Add the item "RealPayer 11" to the "Application" - "Sound and Video" menu.
Copy the file "realplay.desktop" to the directory "/usr/share/applications/".
$ pfexec cp /opt/RealPlayer11/share/realplay.desktop /usr/share/applications/realplay.desktop
Copy the icon file "realplay.png" to the directory "/usr/share/pixmaps/"
$ cp /opt/RealPlayer11/share/realplay.png /usr/share/pixmaps/realplay.png
Edit the file : /usr/share/applications/realplay.desktop
$ pfexec vi /usr/share/applications/realplay.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=RealPlayer 11
Comment=Plays webcasts, music, and video
Comment[de]=Gibt Webcasts, Musik und Videos wieder
Comment[es]=Reproduce transmisiones por Internet, música y vídeo
Comment[fr]=Lecture de programmes diffusés sur le Web, musique et vidéos
Comment[it]=Riproduce webcast, musica e video
Comment[ja]=Web キャスト、ミュージック、ビデオを再生
Comment[ko]=웹캐스트, 음악 및 비디오 재생
Comment[pt_BR]=Reproduz webcasts, música e vídeo
GenericName=Media Player
Exec=realplay %U
#Icon=realplay     # edit this line as the following.

Add the RealPlayer plugins to the Firefox plugins directory.
$ ls -F /opt/Realplayer11/mozilla
  nphelix.so*  nphelix.xpt*
$ pfexec ln -s /opt/Realplayer11/mozilla/nphelix.* /usr/lib/firefox-3.5b4/plugins/
$ pfexec ln -s /opt/RealPlayer11/mozilla/nehelix.* /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

Exit from Gnome Terminal, then logout once and login again.
Comfirm the item "RealPayer 11" in the "Application" - "Sound and Video" menu.

Execute and set up RealPlayer 11 at the first time.
1. With CUI comand line (with Gnome Terminal), as the following.
   $ realplay
2. With GUI select the "Application" menu - "Sound and Video" - "RealPlayer 11"

Fig-04: Execute realplay and setup at the first time

Fig-05: setup RealPlayer, Release note

Fig-06: Finished to set-up RealPlayer and up to date.

Fig-07: RealPlayer 11 for Solaris is up to date.

Fig-08: RealPlayer 11, set-up preferences


Anonymous said...

I hope you can help me. I've installed Realplayer 11 on opensolaris 5.11 snv_134 i86pc i386 i86pc11. when i run pfexec ./realplay i get the following $HELIX_LIBS points to a directory that does not exist (/opt/real/RealPlay) but if i run pfexec ./realplay.bin it works.
rashad@hamza:cd /opt/real/RealPlayer# ./realplay
$HELIX_LIBS points to a directory that does not exist (/opt/real/RealPlay)

ls -F /opt/real/RealPlayer/ --exsit
common realplay.bin
.. realplay doc
RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar README postinst
realplay.orig mozilla share
Bin plugins setup
codecs LICENSE install.log

Baian said...

Thanks for your visiting my blogger.

You should not execute RealPlayer11 with super user mode but execute it with normal user mode: @rashad.

> ls -F /opt/real/RealPlayer/ --exsit
> RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar
Why dose this tar file exist?
Could you correctly extracted the downloaded tarball; RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2?

Workaroud: Please try the following procedures.

1. Delete your installed directory.
$ pfexec rm -rf /opt/real/RealPlayer
$ pfexec rm -rf /opt/real

2. re-install tarball-installer
$ pfexec mkdir /opt/local
$ pfexec ln -s /opt/local /usr/local
$ pfexec mkdir /usr/local/RealPlayer11
$ cd /usr/local/RealPlayer11

$ pfexec tar xvfj $HOME/(your-downloaded directory)/RealPlayer11Gold-x86.tar.bz2

Then extracted all files into this directory: (/usr/local/RealPlayer11).
Check it as follows:
$ ls -F
Bin/ README common/ mozilla/ postinst/ realplay.bin*
LICENSE* codecs/ doc/ plugins/ realplay* share/

Symbolic link this executable file; (/usr/local/RealPlayer11/realplay) to /usr/bin directory.

$ pfexec ln -s /usr/local/RealPlayer11/realplay /usr/bin/realplay
$ cd ~

3. Execute RealPlayer11:
from CUI, give the command by Gnome-Terminal.
rashad@hamza:~$ realplay &

Now the start-up window of Realplayer will be appeared.

Enjoy the real-world, rashad!

Anonymous said...

followed your steps & works like charm! Thanks much!