Solaris Multimedia IPS repository
Sunの Brien さんの投稿記事を Sun の Weblog " The Observatory" で読む。
Murray Blakeman さんの自前 "Multimedia リポジトリ" の紹介記事だ。
Murray Blakeman さんのサイトを閲覧して(下図)、
My Notebook; dynabook Satellite J50 に適用して、彼の IPS multimedia pkg をインストールしてみる。
Environment: OpenSolaris preview 2010.02 devel. build on snv_122
$ uname -a : SunOS satellite 5.11 snv_122 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
Platform: Toshiba dynabook Satellite J50-173L/5X
Solaris Multimedia; Murray Blakeman's own site
1. IPS repository の追加: サイトのレシオ:384 kbps なのでトラフィックに留意のこと。
$ pfexec pkg refresh
$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -O
$ pfexec pkg refresh --full
$ pkg publisher ; on my dynabook.
発行元 タイプ 状態 URI (優先) 起点 online
extra 起点 online 起点 online
osol.contrib 起点 online
$ pkg list -a 'pkg://*'
MBLa52dec ( 0.7.4 known ----
MBLeasytag ( 2.1 known ----
MBLfaac ( 1.28 known ----
MBLfaad2 ( 2.7 known ----
MBLffmpeg ( 0.5 known ----
MBLfribidi ( 0.10.9 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-a52dec ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-asf ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-dts ( 0.10.9 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-dvd ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-dvdread ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-ffmpeg ( 0.10.6 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-flv ( 0.10.9 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-lame ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-mad ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-mp3 ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-mpeg2 ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-mpegaudioparse ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-mpegstream ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLgst-plugin-taglib ( 0.10.11 known ----
MBLid3lib ( 3.8.3 known ----
MBLlame ( 3.98.2 known ----
MBLlibdca ( 0.0.5 known ----
MBLlibdv ( 1.0.0 known ----
MBLlibdvdcss ( 1.2.10 known ----
MBLlibdvdread ( 4.1.3 known ----
MBLlibid3tag ( 0.15.1 known ----
MBLlibmad ( 0.15.1 known ----
MBLlibmpeg2 ( 0.5.1 known ----
MBLmldonkey ( 3.0.0 known ----
MBLmplayer ( 9.7.16 known ----
MBLrecordmysolaris ( 0.3 known ----
MBLrecordmysolaris-gtk ( 0.3.3 known ----
MBLtaglib ( 1.5 known ----
MBLx264 ( 0.65.1047 known ----
MBLxvidcore ( 1.2.1 known ----
2. mplayer をインストールしてみる。
$ pfexec pkg install -v MBLmplayer
Creating Plan \ 評価前:
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090719T101211Z
None -> pkg:/developer/gcc/gcc-runtime-432@4.3.2,5.11-0.111:20090818T043712Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090604T102217Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090719T061221Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090711T090951Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090620T051118Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090719T054057Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090604T102014Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090604T101928Z
None -> pkg://,5.11:20090604T101826Z
Completed 10/10 143/143 15.71/15.71
Install Phase 317/317
Reading Existing Index 8/8
Indexing Packages 10/10
Fig-01: MPlayer 起動顔面 on osol1002 pre. snv_122
Fig-02: DiVX Video Playing with MPlayer
3. 残りのパッケージをすべてインストールした。
OpenSolaris で Multimedia Video, audio codecs をインストールすることができた。
Murray Blakeman さんに感謝。
※ 引用記事は以下のとおり。
Note: The following issue was quoted from " The Observatory"
About this weblog: The Observatory is a blog for users of OpenSolaris. Tune in here for tips, tricks and more as we explore an open source distribution of the Solaris operating system from Sun Microsystems.
If You Build It, They Will Come:
"The best way to judge the success of any project, open source or not, is the strength of the development community supporting it. Thats why I was happy to come across Murray Blakeman's site today, Solaris Multimedia. Murray runs his own IPS repository with much of the popular multimedia tools the community's been clamoring for. I was hesitant to advertise it here for a couple of reasons. First, Murray only has a 384 kbps link so I'm not sure how much more publicity his site could handle. Second, I don't want to see Murray to suffer the same fate as the the Life with Solaris guys. Ultimately, I decided since he's already out there promoting his site, a little cross-promotion was acceptable. Plus, as I've said, I'm really thankful to the contribution he's making to the OpenSolaris community.
If you decided to try the repository, read his 2009.06 Multimedia Repository post first on how to most effectively use it. "
Posted on: Sep 03, 2009, by Brian Leonard
Murray Blakeman さんによれば、
従来の Multimedia リポジトリ とは別に、あらたに を立ち上げた。
2009.06 Multimedia Repository
Submitted by Murray Blakeman on Fri, 06/05/2009 - 22:40
* Multimedia
* OpenSolaris
* Repository
My current multimedia repository at is still available but there are some issues with the ffmpeg and gstreamer ffmpeg packages in relation to libx264.OpenSoaris 2009.06 以降では Run $ pfexec pkg set-publisher ・・・コマンドで。
I've setup a new repository at Currently I have only made ffmpeg and the gstreamer a52dec plugin available. I'll be adding more over the coming weeks.
The ffmpeg in this repository works perfectly with libx264.
Some important things to note about the repository.
* The speed of my link is only 384Kbps
* In the past, adding packages via the Package Manager GUI didn't work. I've have no issue with the latest version of the Package Manager GUI but your mileage might vary. Do it from the command line if you have issues.
* If you have issues with the installation of the packages it might be worth running "$ PKG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=90 ; export PKG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT" before installing.
* The gstreamer packages I am making available via the 10906 repository will compliment the Fluendo GStreamer Plugins.
* If you have any issues send me an email ( or start a thread on the forums.
To add this repository to your OpenSolaris installation, use the following process.
1. Run "pkg set-authority -O" to add repository.
2. Run "pkg refresh --full" to update catalog.
Thank you for posting these packages! I was struggling with building gst-ffmpeg when I stumbled across your website and IPS repository. I'm watching AVCHD footage from my video camera in OpenSolaris now thanks to your packages!
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