OpenSolaris Tips: Howto reset your gnome desktop preferences with running "gnome-cleanup" command.
GNOMEの設定をリセットする方法: gnome-cleanup コマンドの実行
gnome-cleanup コマンドを実行すると、gnome-desktop に関するすべてのユーザ設定情報を削除する。GNOMEパネルやセッションマネージャキャプレット などで行ったすべての設定情報が削除される。
すなわち、Gnome Sessionがインストール直後のデフォルト状態に初期化されるので、nautilus file manager ほか Gnome Application の設定をはじめ、Gnome desktop 外観の設定:パネルやフォント、解像度などについても設定し直す必要がある。
gnome-cleanup erases all GNOME user preferences, returning the user to the default look and feel. This can be used to undo undesired preference settings, or to correct the desktop if the preferences become corrupt. The GNOME preference files are automatically recreated the next time the user logs into a GNOME session.
By default this program erases the configuration files for the user running the command.
However, a different user can be specified on the command line. Of course, configuration files are only erased if the user running gnome-cleanup has appropriate file permissions to erase the user's configuration files.
gnome-cleanup will display a listing of all preference files that it will erase before erasing any files, and prompts the user to confirm that they would like to erase these files.
Files are erase only after receiving a positive confirmation from the user.
Procedure to reset your gnome desktop preferences.
1. logout from the current gnome session.
2. login with falesafe terminal session.
3. execute command as the following:
$ gnome-cleanup
user currently has the following GNOME configuration files:
Do you wish to remove these files (Y/N) Y
4. $ exit
5. Gnome session login with user "hoge" ; passwd "hogehoge"
New gnome session will be restarted.
gnome-cleanup cannot be run while logged into a GNOME session. Users should run this program when logged into another session, for example, the Failsafe session. If the user tries to run this program while already logged into GNOME, an error message is displayed.
user : Specify the user whose configuration files will be erased. The files will only be erased if the user running gnome-cleanup has file permissions to erase the user's configuration files. This is useful, for example, if you want to run the script as the root user to erase the configuration files for a specific user. If user is not specified, the user is the same as the user who runs the gnome-cleanup command.
man gnome-cleanup(1)
gnome-cleanup コマンドを実行すると、gnome-desktop に関するすべてのユーザ設定情報を削除する。GNOMEパネルやセッションマネージャキャプレット などで行ったすべての設定情報が削除される。
すなわち、Gnome Sessionがインストール直後のデフォルト状態に初期化されるので、nautilus file manager ほか Gnome Application の設定をはじめ、Gnome desktop 外観の設定:パネルやフォント、解像度などについても設定し直す必要がある。
gnome-cleanup erases all GNOME user preferences, returning the user to the default look and feel. This can be used to undo undesired preference settings, or to correct the desktop if the preferences become corrupt. The GNOME preference files are automatically recreated the next time the user logs into a GNOME session.
By default this program erases the configuration files for the user running the command.
However, a different user can be specified on the command line. Of course, configuration files are only erased if the user running gnome-cleanup has appropriate file permissions to erase the user's configuration files.
gnome-cleanup will display a listing of all preference files that it will erase before erasing any files, and prompts the user to confirm that they would like to erase these files.
Files are erase only after receiving a positive confirmation from the user.
Procedure to reset your gnome desktop preferences.
1. logout from the current gnome session.
2. login with falesafe terminal session.
3. execute command as the following:
$ gnome-cleanup
Do you wish to remove these files (Y/N) Y
4. $ exit
5. Gnome session login with user "hoge" ; passwd "hogehoge"
New gnome session will be restarted.
gnome-cleanup cannot be run while logged into a GNOME session. Users should run this program when logged into another session, for example, the Failsafe session. If the user tries to run this program while already logged into GNOME, an error message is displayed.
user : Specify the user whose configuration files will be erased. The files will only be erased if the user running gnome-cleanup has file permissions to erase the user's configuration files. This is useful, for example, if you want to run the script as the root user to erase the configuration files for a specific user. If user is not specified, the user is the same as the user who runs the gnome-cleanup command.
man gnome-cleanup(1)

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